Our privacy policy explains how information is collected, used and disclosed by Spectrum Visions Global, Inc. (referred to below as SVG) with respect to your access and use of Spectrum Visions’ services, whether through our website (located at and, Spectrum Visions’ mobile applications (such as Voice4u AAC and Voice4u TTS, referred to below as “Voice4u”), or in connection with the future cloud services.


We collect certain information you provide to us when using Voice4u, such as when you create an account and profile, send us an email or post information or other content to Voice4u. We collect certain personal information, like your name, picture, email address and phone number, as well as certain non-identifying information, such as your gender, birthday and zip code.

We also automatically collect certain information when you use Voice4u, such as your location/GPS coordinates (if you enable this feature), a device identifier (but not the UDID), MAC address, wireless service provider, Internet Protocol (IP) address (if using a browser), operating system, the browser type, the address of a referring site and your activity on Voice4u. You can enable or disable location services when you use Voice4u at anytime, through your mobile device settings. This information is not treated as personal information unless we combine it with or link it to any of the personally identifiable information mentioned above.

We may also automatically collect certain information through the use of “cookies”. These are small files that your browser places on your computer. We may use both session cookies and persistent cookies to better understand how you interact with our services, to monitor aggregate usage by our users and web traffic routing on our services, and to improve our services. Most Internet browsers automatically accept cookies. You can instruct your browser, by editing its options, to stop accepting cookies or to prompt you before accepting a cookie from the websites you visit.


We use the information collected through Voice4u for the purposes described below:

  • to provide our services or information you request, and to process and complete any transactions;
  • to respond to your emails, submissions, questions, comments, requests, and complaints and provide customer service;
  • to monitor and analyze usage and trends, and to personalize and improve Voice4u and your experiences when you use Voice4u, such as providing content or features that match your profile or interests, and to increase the functionality and user friendliness of our services;
  • to send you confirmations, updates, security alerts, and support and administrative messages and otherwise facilitate your use of, and our administration and operation of, our services;
  • to allow you to add your location to your icons;

for any other purpose for which the information was collected.


We will not share the personal information we have collected from you, except as described below:
with your friends on Voice4u with whom you want to share your moments on Voice4u, and according to the preferences set in your account;
with certain social networking services, if you allow such sharing through our services;
with service providers who are working with us in connection with the operation of our site or our services (these service providers have access to your personal information only to perform services on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose it or use it for any other purposes);
we may share aggregated information and non-identifiable information with third parties for industry analysis, demographic profiling and other similar purposes;
when you give us your consent to do so, including if we notify you that the information you provide will be shared in a particular manner and you provide such information;
when we believe in good faith that we are lawfully authorized or required to do so or that doing so is reasonably necessary or appropriate to comply with the law or legal processes or respond to lawful requests or legal authorities, including responding to lawful subpoenas, warrants or court orders;
to enforce or apply our privacy policy, our terms of use or our other policies or agreements; and
in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets, financing or acquisition, or in any other situation where personal information may be disclosed or transferred as one of our business assets.

We are not responsible for the actions of service providers or other third parties, nor are we responsible for any additional information you provide directly to any third parties.


Voice4u may contain links to other sites. Any information you provide on those sites is provided directly to the owner of that site and is subject to that party’s privacy policy. Our privacy policy does not apply to such sites, and we are not responsible for the content or privacy and security practices and policies of those sites.


We take reasonable measures to protect your personal information in an effort to prevent loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction. Please be aware, however, that despite our efforts, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable and no method of data transmission can be guaranteed against any interception or other type of misuse.


If you have an account, you can access and modify the personal information you provided us that is associated with your account. You may “opt out” of receiving marketing or promotional emails from us by changing your account preferences or by following the instructions in those emails. If you opt out of these messages, you will still receive emails from us, about your account, our services and other pertinent information related to our services. These communications are considered part of the service and your account, which you cannot opt-out from receiving.

You can deactivate your account by selecting the “deactivate” link. Deactivating your account lets you remove your profile without permanently deleting it. When you deactivate your account, other users will no longer see your profile or information (but your information is saved, in case you want to reactivate your account at some point in the future). If you want to delete your information and your account, please contact us with a request that we delete your account and information. We will take steps to delete your information as soon as is practicable, but some information may remain in archived/backup copies for our records and as otherwise required by law.


If you are located outside the United States and choose to provide information to us, we may transfer your information to the United States and process it there (or any other country where we operate). By using Voice4u, you consent to the collection, transfer, use, storage and disclosure of your information as described in this privacy policy.


Any information that is collected is subject to the privacy policy in effect at the time such information is collected. We may, however, modify and revise our privacy policy from time-to-time. If we make any material changes to this policy, we will notify you of such changes by posting them on Voice4u or by sending you an email or other notification, and we will indicate when such changes will become effective. By continuing to access or use Voice4u after those changes become effective, you are agreeing to be bound by the revised policy.


Please contact us if you have any questions about our privacy policy.

Spectrum Visions Global, Inc.
5043 Graves Avenue, Suite H
San Jose, CA 95129, USA

Effective: November 1, 2014