New Release: Voice4u Android Improved Audio Recording Quality

A new version of Voice4u is available for your Android devices. This time we improved audio recording quality further more.

Improved Audio Recording Quality

We further improved the quality of audio recording. You should notice much clearer and easy-to-listen audio.

You’ll also see a volume level meter while recording voice (or music).


The current version of Voice4u comes with about 180 icons and you can add as many icons as you need. But, you may not need all of icons now and don’t want some icons appear on the screen. The new Archive allows us to hide unneeded icons, and restore them later. So, you don’t have to worry about deleting your asset any more.

For complete usage, check out the online tutorial: (How to use the Archive)

Do you know? – Online Tutorials

Do you know all the functions of Voice4u?

We also recently updated most of tutorials with the latest screenshots & videos and optimized for Android, iPad and iPhone/iPod touch.

Check out our tutorials and videos! →

What else is going on now? – Voice4u Cloud

We are currently developing the Voice4u Cloud System, which enable us to share voices & pictures of Voice4u with more than one device, across iOS and Android OS. And of course with your friends!. For iOS devices, it is possible to copy a set of icons to multiple iOS devices [how to copy Voice4u data], but impossible to do from iOS to Android or vice versa. The Cloud System will make this happen. It will work as a solid backup system. So, no more hassles to changing devices, or changing operating systems.

In addition, we are also working to make Voice4u switch-accessible, particularly on iPad. With it, you’ll never have to tap the screen in order to use Voice4u. It will allow you to use the app by simply tapping a switch.

How do I update?

It is straightforward. Please follow these steps (this is the standard way to update Android applications).

  1. Tap on the Notification menu at the top and drag it down.
  2. Find Voice4u. Just tap on that and you’ll be taken into the Android Market or Amazon App Store (depending on which store you purchased Voice4u) and be presented with a list of all installed programs that have an update.
  3. Tap on Voice4u to begin the update.
  4. Next, tap Update. The program will remind you it’s replacing the current version. Tap OK.
  5. Now you’ll be shown all the things the application has access to. Tap OK.
  6. New Voice4u will be installed and you’ll be up to date.

Voice4u is available at

You can find more information about Voice4u here:

-The Voice4u Team