Voice4u New Category & Icons

We’ll be submitting a new version (ver-1.0.5) to iTunes Store soon. Although this is still a minor update, but brings big changes.

(1) New categories

Two categories are added: “People” and “Emergency”.


(2) New Icons

We’ll add 20+ new icons. For example, this is “Friend”.


(3) Improved Recording UI

We improved and further stabilized the recording process (meaning digging deep in the core audio library). A visible update is the screenshot below. While you recording your voice, all the buttons except for the recording button are all disabled. So, we hope this prevents from jumping to other screens by accident. 🙂

We’ll let you know as soon as the new version is available for download. Oh, we are working on “category management feature”, which will be integrated into version-1.1 (hopefully right after version-1.0.5 :P).

Please feel free to email us if you have any requests about Voice4u!

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  1. Joanne Needelman

    any idea when this will be ready? also, how about the ability to change icons on categories and the ability to add categories?

  2. Joanne Needelman

    cant wait!! will the ability to change the category icon be given – for example, the icon for the places category is a house; I’d like to change it to a car – will that be possible? thanks so much for your great product!