New Release: Voice4u Android works on Amazon Kindle Fire!

April 4, 2012

Hi there!

Voice4u now fully works on Kindle Fire, which is one of t he most popular Android tablets from Amazon. Voice4u is available through Amazon App Store.

What’s Kindle Fire?

Kindle Fire is the latest model of Amazon’s tablets. It’s like a basic Android tablet computer (no camera or microphone) and the display is in color. You can watch videos and run some Android apps on it. The other Kindle models are black & white only, meant for just reading books. Plus, you may record your own voice by plugging an external microphone, which is good for Voice4u!

For more on kindle fire, check this out:

In this version, we fixed the following problems.

  1. Voice abruptly cuts off midway on Kindle Fire. → FIXED
  2. App crushes if attempting to use a camera on Kindle Fire → FIXED. A camera button is hidden on a device with no camera.
  3. App crushes if attempting to record voice on a device without microphone → FIXED. Voice can be recorded with an external microphone

If you see incompatibility issues like this on other devices, please let us know them immediately. We love to fix them for you!

Whats next?

We have just finished developing Voice4u for the NOOK Tablet and are preparing to publish onto the NOOK Market. We will keep you posted on this.

What’s NOOK Tablet?

It is the latest model of tablets from Barnes & Noble, which is also powered by Android OS. According to B&N, it is their “fastest, lightest, most powerful tablet with the best in reading & entertainment”. You can enjoy movies, TV shows and music from Netflix, Hulu Plus, Pandora & more. There are over 2.5 million books, magazines, comics & kids’ books. Last but not least, thousands of must-have apps are available. One of the top-notch features is that you always get in-store support for FREE!!

Check this out for more information.

We posted screenshots of Voice4u for NOOk here:

What else is going on now? – Voice4u Cloud

We are currently developing the Voice4u Cloud System, which enable us to share voices & pictures of Voice4u with more than one device, across iOS and Android OS. And of course with your friends!. For iOS devices, it is possible to copy a set of icons to multiple iOS devices [how to copy Voice4u data], but impossible to do from iOS to Android or vice versa. The Cloud System will make this happen. It will work as a solid backup system. So, no more hassles to changing devices, or changing operating systems.

How do I update?

It is straightforward. Please follow these steps (this is the standard way to update Android applications).

  1. Tap on the Notification menu at the top and drag it down.
  2. Find Voice4u. Just tap on that and you’ll be taken into the Android Market or Amazon App Store (depending on which store you purchased Voice4u) and be presented with a list of all installed programs that have an update.
  3. Tap on Voice4u to begin the update.
  4. Next, tap Update. The program will remind you it’s replacing the current version. Tap OK.
  5. Now you’ll be shown all the things the application has access to. Tap OK.
  6. New Voice4u will be installed and you’ll be up to date.

You can find more information about Voice4u for Android here:

– Voice4u Team

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