Problem Activating Add-on Function and Premium Plan

We have discovered that there was a miss configuration on our server that manages the in-app purchase system as well as the Voice4u apps (both AAC and TTS apps). Because of this problem, the apps could not activate add-on function and premium features even after you made additional payments. Products affected:
  1. Voice4u AAC version 2.6.0, 2.6.1 (iOS): Voice Synthesizer is not activated after purchasing the add-on function.
  2. Voice4u Text-To-Speech version 1.0.0: The premium features are not enabled after purchasing a Premium plan.
What we did so far:
  1. We have fixed the cause of the bug and the server miss configuration.
  2. We have already submitted update versions of Voice4u AAC app and Voice4u TTS app to iTunes store for review.
  3. We temporary removed the in-app purchase products (text-to-speech function and premium plans of Voice4u TTS) from sales until the updated version becomes available for download.
What we will do: [alert type=”notice” close=”false”]If you have purchased add-on function on Voice4u AAC app, or the Premium plan of Voice4u Text-To-Speech app in January, 2014, we would like to offer you 12-month access to the Premium features for each purchase. To claim your access, simply email to with your email address. We will reply you with your Premium account information promptly.[/alert] We assure you that we will raise our level of service to prevent this kind of situation from ever happening again.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at –The Voice4u team

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