[Update] Voice4u Android, More Graphic Option for Creating Icons

A new version of Voice4u is available for your Android phones and tablets.

More Graphic Options

You can now create icons and categories using Voice4u’s graphics in addition to camera, photo album and web images. Here is how to use it. There is the 4th button on the adding screen, named “Voice4u”.

If you tap the button, Voice4u’s original graphics will be displayed like this. Tap one to use for your icon or category.

Do you know? – Online Tutorials

Do you know all the functions of Voice4u?

We also recently updated most of tutorials with the latest screenshots & videos and optimized for Android, iPad and iPhone/iPod touch.

Check out our tutorials and videos! →

What else is going on now? – Voice4u Cloud

We are currently developing the Voice4u Cloud System, which enable us to share voices & pictures of Voice4u with more than one device, across iOS and Android OS. And of course with your friends!. For iOS devices, it is possible to copy a set of icons to multiple iOS devices [how to copy Voice4u data], but impossible to do from iOS to Android or vice versa. The Cloud System will make this happen. It will work as a solid backup system. So, no more hassles to changing devices, or changing operating systems.

Voice4u is available at

You can find more information about Voice4u here: https://voice4uaac.com/apps/voice4u.

-The Voice4u Team