Voice4u New Category & Icons

Voice4u App Update is Coming!

Hi there! Just wanted to share that we’ve just submitted a new version to iTunes Store for review today. In essence, the new version has changes in audio recording process. The changes may not be obvious, but we modified core audio libraries to stabilize the...
Please welcome, Voice4u JP!

Please welcome, Voice4u JP!

Everyone on the team is busy on preparing the Thanksgiving day. i.e. busy on something other than business. Just for this weekend. Meanwhile, we had a good news from Apple Developer Center that our second app, Voice4u JP, has got through the review and ready for sale....
Voice4u New Category & Icons

Voice4u is out now!

Hello there! We are happy to introduce our first iPhone / iPod Touch app, Voice4u. 🙂 Now available from App Store for $29.99. Voide4u is a picture exchange style communication app and will break down the barriers of communication for individuals with special needs....