Please welcome, Voice4u JP!

voice4u_512x512_JPEveryone on the team is busy on preparing the Thanksgiving day. i.e. busy on something other than business. Just for this weekend.

Meanwhile, we had a good news from Apple Developer Center that our second app, Voice4u JP, has got through the review and ready for sale. Yes, it is a Japanese version.

Here is the direct link to app store for your convenience:

Voice4u JP is in principle same as Voice4u. But some icons are specialized to Japanese culture.

You can always create your own icons for your taste. Remember that Voice4u allows you to create multiple icons. That is you can add another lunch icon while keeping the original one.

Until next time, happy Thanksgiving!!!


The app is also priced at $29.99. You could install both Voice4u and Voice4u JP on you iPhone / iPod Touch if you (or your children) are multilingual.