Voice4u’s Progress Over the Course of 60 Days – Part 2

Voice4u’s Progress Over the Course of 60 Days – Part 2

Voice4u has been sold in seven countries. (As of this month that number has increased to 10!) As you can see, Voice4u has become popular across the globe. We think the success of our product in various different countries is due to the fact that one can create new...
Voice4u’s Progress Over the Course of 60 Days – Part 2

Voice4u’s Progress Over the Course of 60 Days – Part 1

This is the progress that our popular product has made in a 60 day period. 1. Sales If we count the monthly sales from November as 1, in the end of January 2010, we sold 41 times as much (not 41 units!). 2. Facebook The number of fans have been growing. There seems to...