Valentine’s Day, 1-Day FREE Campaign

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February 13, 2014

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Celebrating the Valentine’s Day, we are going to do 1-Day FREE Campaign. On Valentines’ day Voice4u is available for FREE at iTunes Store. If you haven’t downloaded it yet, please take advantage of this opportunity! And feel free to share this information with your friends, family and colleagues.

Download Voice4u AAC Now! (FREE)

The FREE campaign starts at the midnight of February 14th, 2014 (0:00am) local time, and ends at the end of February 14th, 2014 (11:59pm) local time.

Voice4u was created to solve an unmet need for people with autism and other speech disabilities. The original idea was from love of a mother, who just wanted to say “I love you.” to her child, just like other mothers do. Voice4u is now supporting people like her and their children in 93 countries. Our one and only wish is to support more people in the world, and we truly appreciate it if you can spread the word to people around you!

Thank you again for your continued support for Voice4u.

Warmest regards,
– The Voice4u Team

Have you tried our new app, Voice4u TTS (Text-To-Speech)?

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