Voice4u for Android Version-1.3.1 Released

July 23, 2011


The new version of Voice4u Android is available for download. This time, we fixed a problem with using the internal camera.

We found (and also received several emails) that Voice4u repeatedly crashes when trying to create a new icon or change the image of existing items using the internal camera. We tested the new version on Galaxy SII, Xperia Arc, Xperia Acro, and Xperia X10.

If you hit any issues with the new version, please let us know immediately and we’ll fix it right away!

How do I update?

It is straightforward. Please follow these steps (this is the standard way to update Android applications).

  1. Tap on the Notification menu at the top and drag it down.
  2. Find Voice4u. Just tap on that and you’ll be taken into the Android Market and be presented with a list of all installed programs that have an update.
  3. Tap on Voice4u to begin the update.
  4. Next, tap Update. The program will remind you it’s replacing the current version. Tap OK.
  5. Now you’ll be shown all the things the application has access to. Tap OK.
  6. New Voice4u will be installed and you’ll be up to date.

If you hit any issues with the new version, please let us know immediately and we’ll fix it right away 🙂

You can find more information about Voice4u for Android here: https://voice4uaac.com/android.

— the Voice4u team

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